Friday, November 6, 2009

Vinnie's Blog

I have decided that Vinnie needs his own blog! I want to use this blog as a journal of his training, his progress, and our trials and tribulations. Yep... I am SURE that there will be trials and tribulations! He always keeps me on my toes!

I have had Vinnie (or maybe he's had me?) for six months now - where has the time gone!! He is so smart and funny - he learns faster than any dog I have ever had. He is so outgoing and fearless. He plays with toys and he tugs (a first for me!!). He is also a teenager and full of himself right now. I have to keep reminding myself (thanks Tammy!!) that he is just a baby and he will outgrow a lot of things (Robin hopes he'll outgrow humping!).

Vinnie in May 2009

Winter is bearing down on us and I need to have some goals... Goals are good, right? So here goes. We are taking a break from any agility training and working on our relationship/partnership. Couple's counseling, anyone? - personally, I think HE'S a bit controlling (I'm supposed to be the control freak here!). Anyway... I digress (That's how I get in trouble! Shiny object!). My goals for winter:
  1. Teach Rally exercises.
  2. Teach as many tricks as possible.
  3. Work on Vinnie's recall.
  4. Get Vinnie started on tracking.
  5. Walk at least three times a week.

Vinnie in November 2009

Ok... that last one may sound kind of lame, but it gets pretty darn cold around here and I'm not one for taking random walks in the middle of winter! I am hoping to keep us both sane once winter sets in and we are "housebound".


  1. Great. Now Phoenix wants HIS own blog.

    Have fun teaching the recall. Seriously. Have FUN!

    And tell us all about it. I love reading about other people's training, both the good and the oh-that-needs-work. ( :

  2. I could go on a walk with you. I did once.
